The Unwinding Cards

By Jackie Morris

A collection of 100 illustrated postcards taken from The Unwinding.

Sunday, 21 August 2022


At the time of writing this there are 246 people willing to invest in the idea of a box of postcards. I wanted to write to you all to thank you for this. 

The idea we have is to make a box of 100 postcards. With Alison's help they will be beautiful, but hopefully not to beautiful to send. Most will have pictures, but seven with have new and very short stories. There may also be one or two that are new, and not from the book. 

This week I was sent copies of the Chinese language version of The Unwinding. With it came two postcards. 

I guess this is a little like how our postcards will look when they are made. 

I have a few of these. What I would like now is to ask you, if you have social media chanels, like instagram or twitter, facebook, might you put a link to the cards to help me raise their visibility, and push towards full funding? If you don't then just talk to a friend about them. And then leave me a comment here, to say hi, and tell me, something beautiful, tell me how you are, tell me where you are. I will come back and pick a winner by random number generator in about a week then be in touch to get an address to post a pair of these cards to. Have a good day. And thank you. I do love how the Unbound platform connects us. I'm away to paint now, I hope, and think on these seven stories I need to find. I've other writing to do also, about how writing becomes a dangerous passtime. How sometimes writers are attacked, especially journalists, but also poets. About the importance of speaking out, speaking up. Whether the pen is mightier than the sword. But mostly I wish to just paint.

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Raymond Lowell
 Raymond Lowell says:

Those postcards with the Chinese language edition are lovely!

I've posted a reminder on Twitter (@Public_Pers) & tagged a couple of followers to ask them to share, too, because I REALLY want to get my hands on this box - even though I might have to resort to sending them to myself as they're so lovely I hardly want to share them with others! <3

Anyway, good morning from a currently sunny and warm Oxford, England!

posted 22nd August 2022

Mandy Cox
 Mandy Cox says:

Hi Jackie, I'm a big fan of your art and books, having purchased them for my personal use as well as recommending them in some of the work I do around grief and loss in the context of climate change. I work as a Grief and Loss counsellor and trainer and live in beautiful Newcastle, Australia. I love gazing at your artwork and being enthralled by the beauty of the pictures you draw and paint. I am really looking forward to receiving the postcards and sharing this beauty with my friends. Hoping the project comes together well for you.

posted 22nd August 2022

Donna Miller
 Donna Miller says:

Having your artwork at hand has made the strangeness of the last few years bearable.

posted 22nd August 2022

Jackie Harmon
 Jackie Harmon says:

Your art is so beautiful, Jackie. I've been sharing on Twitter and introduced a friend to your physical books while out shopping. I'll keep going as I seriously want these cards out in the world bringing joy!

posted 22nd August 2022

Allison Bailey
 Allison Bailey says:

Hi Jackie

I love your artwork and both keep and share with friends and family. I live in Tasmania, in the Tamar Valley and have gifted your books all over Australia.
These postcards sound truly magical and I can’t bear to send them all away, despite knowing they should be sent to share the light, colour and intent put into them. So I bought a set to keep whole, as a record of what was sent and to whom.
I look out at the ever changing Tamar Estuary and marvel at the birds and wildlife around me, if one day I can place light and watercolours even only half as decent as yours, I will be thrilled. But I happily just be, taking it all in, my place, peace and balance in nature.

posted 22nd August 2022

Marilyn Lewis
 Marilyn Lewis says:

I'm happy to support your latest project and hope it comes to fruition soon. I've shared it on Twitter and Facebook.
I live in north Pembrokeshire, like yourself, though we haven't met, at least I don't think so. We live well off the beaten track and have many wild animals and birds as neighbours. The highlights for us this summer have been the huge number of swallows that have visited our large pond and, a first, a family of perky choughs bouncing around in our donkeys' paddock.
Good luck with the project.

posted 22nd August 2022

Kate Calico
 Kate Calico says:

Hello Jackie ~ Just want you to know that I adore your beautiful books and have so much pleasure thumbing through them. They are a real tonic for the soul ~ and, OMG, I need them right now…. Thanks ever so.
(Cannot find a copy of the Golden Hare anywhere ~ I think they’ve all been taken ) Love you, Kate Calico xx

posted 22nd August 2022

Lisa Quattromini
 Lisa Quattromini says:

Hello Jackie,
I was thinking about you and your cards the other day when I sent some photos to my Mum's old friend who is, since Mum died 3 years ago, now my friend. We haven't seen each other since I was a child - she and Mum kept up their friendship by post and phone.
The pictures were of our family and in particular our daughter who was 29 yesterday. The friend's immediate reaction was tears and the exclamation that "she looks exactly like Patsy! How beautiful she is!"
Things are well in our patch of Norfolk and in a way feeling more obliged to feed and water the wildlife through this heat and drought has brought me closer than ever to my surroundings.
I wish you and yours and your beautiful cards well.
Have a great day,

posted 22nd August 2022

Shirley Barr
 Shirley Barr says:

Jackie, I hope you managed to get to your painting, in amongst the busy-ness of writing today. Shirley here, in Forres, Scotland. I wanted to tell you that I picked up from the framing shop today something which I think is INCREDIBLY beautiful. Blue fox postcards painted by Jackie Morris - one from me to my husband and one from my husband to me - that we agreed could be framed together, and are now living on our wall! I'll tag you in a Twitter post so that you can see them in their new home. I feel remarkably blessed to have been picked by a previous random number generator during your fundraising for this project so please don't add me to the draw again, but I wanted to let you know how much your foxes are loved. Your beauty touches so many lives. Thank you for being you. x

posted 22nd August 2022

Penny Meadowcroft
 Penny Meadowcroft says:

Thank you Jackie for another opportunity to have more of your work. Your art is just beautiful. I have been sharing on twitter and telling friends about your beautiful books and these wonderful postcards. I am really looking to sharing the joy and beauty of these postcards with my dear friends and family - they would certainly brighten up a wet and windy Oldham day!

posted 22nd August 2022

Julie Allan
 Julie Allan says:

Delighted to have shared - many local friends love your work and you exxhibited in Cirencester Jackie, afew moons back. Thank you and happy painting.

posted 25th August 2022

Angelika Luethi
 Angelika Luethi says:

Hi Jackie,
I am so excited for this project and so much hope it comes together.

We all need imagination and reaching out to each other and your idea with these box of postcards does exactly that, apart from offering always also beautiful, interesting, intriguing art.

I share wherever I can online on twitter and instagram, retweet, like and put up into my stories, however I use different account names for those.

posted 30th August 2022

Anne Annear
 Anne Annear says:

thank you!!

posted 22nd September 2022

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