The Lido Guide

By Janet Wilkinson and Emma Pusill

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A practical, beautiful, inspiring guide to the outdoor pools of the UK

Publication date: June 2019
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About the book

We love open-air pools. We love the feeling of sheer joy, and the sense of abandon, that swimming outdoors brings us. We love the sense of community, the beauty of sunshine through water, the companionable solitude of the swim and the chat with other swimmers that seems to flow so much more readily when not constrained by a roof. And we love the cafes, tuck shops and cakes that so often go hand in hand with lidos. The UK has a surprisingly rich stock of open-air pools, from the grand art deco lidos to the more humble, but fiercely loved, community run pools in small towns and villages, to tidal sea pools that provide the swimmer sanctuary from the waves. Many lidos have been lost, but an increasing number are being rescued and there are active campaigns to rescue even more.

We want to provide a guide to all the public access open-air pools that continue to breathe life into the communities that surround them. We want to connect them to swimmers, by providing a guide that will inspire people to visit, and enable them to plan those visits.

Our aim is to cover every single open-air pool that survives in the UK, alongside those where there is a realistic chance that they may be saved. This is not a history of lidos past, it is very much a practical celebration of lidos present. We currently have researched information on over 100 pools, including some that are soon to reopen such as Saltdean and Kings Meadow.

Every pool will have its own entry summarising what makes it unique, what it’s like to swim there and all the information needed to enable swimmers to contact them, engage via social media and visit; if there are little individual quirks, like coin-operated showers, we’ll tell you about it. We’ll tell you whether they are run by volunteers, whether they are heated or unheated, whether they are salt or fresh water, and a great deal more besides. We’ll group the pools by county, so it will be easy to find pools that are near to you, and near to each other.

And there will be a multitude of photographs, because all of these pools are beautiful in their own way and we want to showcase that. First and foremost this book will be practical, but we also want it to be food for a swimmer’s ambitions; the sort of book you can curl up with on a winter evening and lose yourself in while you plan the adventures to come.

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