Who Hunts the Whale

By Laura Kate Dale and Jane Aerith Magnet

A satirical novel set in the exploitative world of big-budget game development

Wednesday, 8 December 2021

Progress on Writing Who Hunts the Whale

Hi all, Laura here, co-author of Who Hunts the Whale.

I wanted to send out an update just to let everyone know how progress is coming along on Who Hunts the Whale, a few months after we announced the book.

So, myself and Jane have finished our first draft of the book together. The core of the narrative is complete, the story can be read start to finish, and we are incredibly happy with the overall story arc, characters, and way we've paced the plot.

Right now, we're doing a second pass before we hand the manuscript over to Unbound's editors. We sat down together recently and spent a day reading through the book out loud, making notes chapter by chapter on things we wanted to flesh out, set up earlier, expand on, or give more time to. We're basically in the process of making sure that now we've got a finished version of the story, and know all our core plot points, we build up all of our narrative payoffs on the road there.

Myself and Jane are both incredibly proud of the book so far. It's funny, it's sweet, it's honest, and hopeful about an industry that increasingly feels difficult to feel hopeful about.

We hope to have our second draft finished, and sent over to Unbound, before the end of 2021. After that, the main focus is going to be making sure we reach 100% funded here on Unbound to ensure the book gets published.

Thank you all so much for your support, we can't wait to share this book with you.


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Joseph Govreau
 Joseph Govreau says:

Thanks for the update. I appreciate your hard work and creative concept!

posted 8th December 2021

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