Our Partner Publishers

The Unbound mission is to bring authors and readers together. This is why we are opening our platform to other publishing houses. In the last eight years we’ve discovered readers want the chance to buy more than a book (their average spend on Unbound is £43) and get closer to their favourite authors. Authors are also building direct connections to their fans and want new ways to engage with them.

So now Publishers can use Unbound to access the superfans of their own authors through our pre-order partnership scheme.

Unbound will help you will help you to identify which of your authors will work best and advise on which rewards to offer your authors’ fans.

These pre-order campaigns will run up to 2 months before publication date and last between 7 and 30 days to fit around the rest of your marketing.

Unbound will then handle signing, fulfilment, distribution, tracking and customer service in time for each book’s pub date to help you increase its chart entry position.

We will share customer data with you where they give their permission and give people who pre-order your authors’ books the chance to subscribe to your marketing mailing list on checkout.

We’re excited about the possibilities of you using our platform and helping to build a new eco-system that serves the whole industry better, from writers to readers.

If you’d like to get sign up or need more information please drop us a line at dan@unbound.com or john@unbound.com.

Publishers we are working with:

Bloomsbury logo Cambridge University Press logo